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Output Code
Show markdown. 'text'
box('text', mode='md')
Show styled box. box(style='...')
Show styled box with text. box('text', style='...')
Stack boxes vertically. box(box(...), box(...), ...)
Stack boxes horizontally (with gaps). row(box(...), box(...), ...)
box(..., mode='row')
Stack boxes vertically (with gaps). col(box(...), box(...), ...)
box(..., mode='col')
Show boxes in a group (collapsible). box(..., title='Group1')
Show tabs. row(group1, group1, ...)
row(box(..., title='Group1'), box(..., title='Group2'), ...)
Show vertical tabs. col(group1, group2, ...)
col(box(..., title='Group1'), box(..., title='Group2'), ...)
Show a textbox. box('Label', value='Alice')
box('Label', mode='text')
Show a spinbox. box('Label', value=42)
box('Label', mode='number')
Show a checkbox. box('Label', value=False)
box('Label', value=True)
box('Label', mode='check')
Show a toggle. box('Label', mode='toggle')
box('Label', mode='toggle', value=True)
Show a checklist. box('Label', mode='check', options=[...])
Show buttons stacked horizontally. box([...])
box(mode='button', options=[...])
Show buttons stacked vertically. box([...], mode='vertical button')
box(mode='vertical button', options=[...])
Show buttons with captions (compound buttons). box(mode='button', options=[option(..., caption='...'), ...])
Show buttons with menus (split buttons). box(mode='button', options=[option(..., options=[...]), ...])
Show radio buttons. box('Label', mode='radio', options=[...])
Show a dropdown menu (single-select). box('Label', mode='menu', options=[...])
Show a dropdown menu (multi-select). box('Label', mode='multi menu', options=[...])
Show a dropdown menu with arbitrary text input (combo box). box('Label', mode='editable menu', options=[...])
Show a dropdown menu with grouped options. box('Label', mode='menu', options=[option(..., options=[...]), ...])
Show a slider. box('Label', mode='range')
Show a range slider. box('Label', mode='range', value=(min, max))
Show a time picker. box('Label', mode='time')
Show a date picker. box('Label', mode='date')
Show a week picker. box('Label', mode='week')
Show a month picker. box('Label', mode='month')
Show a calendar. box('Label', mode='day')
Show a tag picker. box('Label', mode='tag', options=[...])
Show a color picker. box('Label', mode='color')
Show a color palette. box('Label', mode='color', options=[...])
Show a star-rating. box('Label', mode='rating')
Show a file uploader. box('Label', mode='file')
Show a multiple file uploader. box('Label', mode='multi file')
Show a indeterminate progress bar. box('Label', mode='progress')
box('Label', mode='progress', caption='...')
Show a progress bar. box('Label', mode='progress', value=0.42)
box('Label', mode='progress', caption='...', value=0.42)
Show a spinner. box('Label', mode='spinner')
Show a separator. box('Label', mode='separator')
Show a vertical separator. box('Label', mode='vertical separator')
Show an image. box(image='...')
Show a web view (iframe). box(mode='web', path='...')
Show a table box(mode='table', headers=[...], options=[option(..., options=[...]), ...])
Show a table with selectable rows (multi-select). box(mode='multi table', headers=[...], options=[option(..., options=[...]), ...])
Show a table with selectable rows (single-select). box(mode='selectable table', headers=[...], options=[option(..., options=[...]), ...])
Show a table with grouped rows. box(mode='table', headers=[...], options=[option(..., options=[option(..., options=[...]), ...]), ...])
Make a column's cells clickable. header(..., mode='link'
Render markdown in a column's cells. header(..., mode='md')
Pass options box(..., options=[option('red', 'Red'), ...])
box([option('red', 'Red'), ...], ...)
Pass options using pairs box(..., options=[('red', 'Red'), ('blue', 'Blue')])
box([('red', 'Red'), ('blue', 'Blue')], ...)
Pass options using tuple box(..., options=('red', 'blue'))
Pass options using list box(..., options=['red', 'blue'])
box(['red', 'blue'], ...)
Pass options using dict box(..., options=dict(red='Red', blue='Blue'))
Pass options using string box(..., options='red blue')


Operation Code
Overwrite current view view(...)
Overwrite boxes inside box 'foo'. view(..., at='foo *')
Overwrite boxes starting at box 'foo'. view(..., at='foo')
Overwrite boxes before box 'foo'. view(..., at=':foo')
Overwrite boxes after box 'foo'. view(..., at='foo:')
Add boxes to current view. view.add(...)
Add boxes inside box 'foo'. view.add(..., at='foo *')
Add boxes before box 'foo'. view.add(..., at=':foo')
Add boxes after box 'foo'. view.add(..., at='foo:')
Clear current view. view.clear()
Clear boxes inside box 'foo'. view.clear(at='foo *')
Clear boxes starting at box 'foo'. view.clear(at='foo')
Clear boxes before box 'foo'. view.clear(at=':foo')
Clear boxes after box 'foo'. view.clear(at='foo:')
Show view, but without the "Continue" button. view(..., halt=True)
Show view, but don't wait for inputs. view(..., read=False)
Show view, but in a popup. view(..., popup=True, title='...')
Set view title. view.set(title='...')
Set view caption. view.set(caption='...')
Set view menu. view.set(menu='...')
Set view nav. view.set(nav='...')
Set view theme. view.set(theme='...')
Jump to another view function. view.jump(func)
Launch external URL. view.jump(url)
Launch external URL in a popup. view.jump(url, popup=True)
Navigate to another URL. view.jump(url, target='_self')