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Assign keyboard shortcuts to actions.


Set hotkey= to assign a keyboard shortcut to a tap input box.

Examples: - hotkey='x': x is pressed. - hotkey='ctrl+x': control and x are pressed together. - hotkey='ctrl+shift+x': control, shift and x are pressed together. - hotkey='ctrl+x, command+x': either ctrl+x or command+x are pressed.

Supported modifiers: shift, option, alt, ctrl, control, command.

Supported special keys: backspace, tab, clear, enter, return, esc, escape, space, up, down, left, right, home, end, pageup, pagedown, del, delete, f1 - f19, num_0 - num_9, num_multiply, num_add, num_enter, num_subtract, num_decimal, num_divide.

def style(color):
    return f'text-white rounded-full px-5 py-2.5 text-center mr-2 mb-2 bg-{color}-700 hover:bg-{color}-800'

color = view(
    'This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.',
        box('Blue pill (alt+b)', mode='tap', value='blue', hotkey='alt+b') / style('blue'),
        box('Red pill (alt+r)', mode='tap', value='red', hotkey='alt+r') / style('red'),
view(f'You took the {color} pill!')
