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Month Picker

Use a month picker to pick a month in a given range.


Set mode='month' to show a month picker.

month = view(box('Pick a month', mode='month'))
view(f'You picked {month}.')


Set initial month

Set value= to pre-select a month.

Dates must be in ISO 8601 format. Date-only strings (e.g. "1970-01-01") are treated as UTC, not local.

month = view(box('Pick a month', mode='month', value='2021-10-10'))
view(f'You picked {month}.')


Set min date

Set min= to specify a minimum date.

month = view(box('Pick a month', mode='month', value='2021-10-10', min='2019-01-01'))
view(f'You picked {month}.')


Set max date

Set max= to specify a maximum date.

month = view(box('Pick a month', mode='month', value='2021-10-10', max='2022-12-31'))
view(f'You picked {month}.')


Combine min and max dates

Set both min= and max= to restrict selection between two dates.

month = view(box('Pick a month', mode='month', value='2021-10-10', min='2019-01-01', max='2022-12-31'))
view(f'You picked {month}.')


Set range

Set range= to a (min, max) tuple to restrict selection between two dates.

This is a shorthand notation for setting min= and max= individually.

month = view(box('Pick a month', mode='month', value='2021-10-10', range=('2019-01-01', '2022-12-31')))
view(f'You picked {month}.')


Handle changes immediately

Add live to mode to handle changes immediately.

month = '2021-10-10'
while True:
    month = view(
        box('Pick a month', mode='live month', value=month),
        f'You picked {month} (UTC).'



Set disabled=True to disable.

view(box('Pick a month', mode='month', disabled=True))
