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Use pickers to pick one or more options from several options. Buttons, checklists, dropdowns, and color pickers are all examples of pickers.


A picker is a box that allows the user to pick one or more options from a group. Buttons, checklists, dropdowns, and color pickers are all examples of pickers.

Set options= to create a picker.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', options=[
    'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')

There are several ways to create options. These are explained in the next section. The simplest way is to supply a sequence (tuple, set or list) of strings.

By default, this shows buttons for up to 3 options, radio buttons for up to 7 options, or a dropdown menu for more than 7 options. This behavior can be controlled using mode=, explained in later examples.

The example above has 4 options, hence radio buttons are shown.


Show buttons

Buttons are shown for up to 3 options.

Set mode='button' to display buttons regardless of the number of options.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', options=[
    'yellow', 'orange', 'red'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Show radio buttons

Radio buttons are shown for 4-7 options.

Set mode='radio' to display radio buttons regardless of the number of options.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', options=[
    'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Show a dropdown menu

A dropdown menu is shown for more than 7 options.

Set mode='menu' to display a dropdown menu regardless of the number of options.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', options=[
    'violet', 'indigo', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Show a dropdown list

Add multi to mode to allow choosing more than one option. The return value is a list of choices made.

By default, this displays checkboxes for up to 7 options, or a dropdown menu for more than 7 options.

Set mode='menu' to display a dropdown menu regardless of the number of options.

choices = view(box('Choose some colors', mode='multi', options=[
    'violet', 'indigo', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
view(f'You chose {choices}.')


Show a checklist

A checklist is shown for up to 7 options when multi is set.

Set mode='check' to display a checklist regardless of the number of options.

choices = view(box('Choose some colors', mode='multi check', options=[
    'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
view(f'You chose {choices}.')



box([a, b, c]) is shorthand for box(options=[a, b, c]).

choice = view(box(['green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red']))
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Mark as required

Add required to mode to indicate that input is required.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', mode='required menu', options=[
    'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Show an error message

Set error= to show an error message below the box.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', mode='menu', error='Invalid input', options=[
    'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')
