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Radio Buttons

Use radio buttons to pick one option from a small number of options.


Set mode='radio' to show radio buttons.

mode= can be elided when there are 4-7 options.

The first option is automatically selected.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', mode='radio', options=[
    'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Set initial selection

Set value= to pre-select an option having that value.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', mode='radio', value='yellow', options=[
    option('green', 'Green'),
    option('yellow', 'Yellow'),
    option('orange', 'Orange'),
    option('red', 'Red'),
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Mark options as selected

Set selected=True to pre-select an option.

choice = view(box('Choose a color', mode='radio', options=[
    option('green', 'Green'),
    option('yellow', 'Yellow', selected=True),
    option('orange', 'Orange'),
    option('red', 'Red'),
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Show pictorial options

Set icon= to show pictorial options.

choice = view(box('Choose a chart type', mode='radio', options=[
    option('area', 'Area', icon='AreaChart', selected=True),
    option('bar', 'Bar', icon='BarChartHorizontal'),
    option('column', 'Column', icon='BarChartVertical'),
    option('line', 'Line', icon='LineChart'),
    option('scatter', 'Scatter', icon='ScatterChart'),
    option('donut', 'Donut', icon='DonutChart'),
view(f'You chose {choice}.')


Handle changes immediately

Add live to mode to handle changes immediately.

color = 'yellow'  # Initial value
while True:
    color = view(
        box('Choose a color', mode='live radio', value=color, options=[
            'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red',
        f'You chose {color}.'



Set disabled=True to disable.

view(box('Choose a color', mode='radio', options=[
    'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'black'
], disabled=True))
